Thursday, March 26, 2009

Somehow I made the speech team for next year?

Next year I will be a Freshman in high school, and me and a couple of friends tried out for the speech team (two friends made it, two didn%26#039;t). Anyway, i know i will completely suck compared to people already on it. Any tips on how not to completely embarrass myself?
Somehow I made the speech team for next year?
when time comes to choosing your speech, don%26#039;t slack off. Practice as much as you can. I was my school%26#039;s speech team captain this last year, and I loved it when I saw underclassmen practicing their speech%26#039;s.

Also, if your coach%26#039;s can%26#039;t take you for an extra practice, ask a captian. I loved when people came to me and asked me to watch them practice, and loved it even more when they took my suggestions and won!
Somehow I made the speech team for next year?
The biggest thing to do is not to act like you already know everything. If you ask for help when you need it, you%26#039;ll quickly become a very good speech-giver.

Public Speaking, in a nutshell:

- Be loud

- Appeal to emotions when appropriate

- Memorize the whole thing if you can so that you%26#039;re not always sticking your face in the paper. If you can look your audience in the eyes, you%26#039;ll get major bonus points.

- Proof read your speeches multiple times before you perform them.

- Have one or two other people with a good eye for mistakes proof read your speeches, as well.

Remember-- this is your first year, you%26#039;re not expected to be perfect. The people on the team already have at least a year behind them. Think of it like this-- if you try hard enough and you practice your craft decently and magnificently-- you%26#039;ll be just like them in a year or two.

As long as you don%26#039;t act as if you are the best of the best and you give enough respect to those who have been doing this before, you won%26#039;t embarrass yourself. Whenever THEY graduate, YOU%26#039;LL be the one who is awesome and fantastic.

You%26#039;ll be fine. : )

I hope that this has helped you!!

Hayley. : )

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